I’d not been very organised in the run-up to this contest, and as it’s a USA works the world I was always going to struggle from home with a low power entry. I don’t think a high power entry would have done any better.
All told I spent 4 hours in the chair. Band conditions on Saturday were better to Europe, but Sunday was better to the West and I managed a couple of KH6 stations. Only 10 QSOs were had on Sunday afternoon. One advantage of not being able to get any substantive runs going is that 82 of my 110 QSOs were multipliers.
ARRL DX Contest, CW - 2021 Call: AD5XI Operator(s): AD5XI Station: AD5XI Class: SOAB LP QTH: Operating Time (hrs): 4 Summary: Band QSOs Mults ------------------- 160: 80: 22 19 40: 42 28 20: 46 35 15: 10: ------------------- Total: 110 82 Total Score = 27,060 Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club

This will be my last ARRL DX CW contest from this QTH. Hopefully next time will see more sunspots and I will be able to work plenty of USA stations from my home station in the UK.