FOC BW QSO Party September 2020 – AD5XI

I only managed to spend a few hours QRV this time around.

My IC-7610 and indoor dipoles with 100W netted me 162 QSOs in total. 

Pretty even spread across 80/40/20M. I heard relatively few EU stations and worked even fewer of them. However, I had some excellent short catch-up QSOs with friends across NA and EU.

A fun operating event and it fills the bands. This time around I decided not to run contest style as far as I could. I only let the computer call CQ at times, but all my QSOs were hand sent on the paddle, which added an extra dimension of personality for me. I’ve operated this event like that before and will be doing it again next time.

Updated: October 4, 2020 — 23:33